關于愛優特About Actuator Established in 1986, Jiang Ling Electric Appliance Company was re-branded in 2006 as Actuator Electric Motor Company (Actuator). 成立于1986年,2006年,江陵電器公司更名為愛優特電機有限公司(簡稱愛優特)。 Actuator has over 30 years of extensive experience in PMDC and BLDC motors and related manufacturing. Through investing in technology and RD, Actuator has now become one of the premier DC motor and controller manufacturers in China. 愛優特有30多年生產永磁直流電機和無刷電機的豐富經驗.目前,愛優特已成為中國領先的直流電動機和控制器制造商之一 Actuator's motors are widely used in Power Tools, Lawn Garden, Electric Home Appliances, Industrial Applications, Medical Equipment and various other custom applications throughout the world. What sets Actuator apart from the competition is that we use standard motor platforms to tailor make non-standard professional solutions. By working closely with our customers and their applications, we offer the optimum solution for applications where an 'off-the-shelf' product is not quite perfect. 愛優特的電機廣泛應用于電動工具、草坪和花園、家用電器、工業應用、醫療設備和世界上其他各種定制應用。我們使用標準的馬達平臺量身定做非標準的專業解決方案,這是愛優特在市場競爭中獨樹一幟的特點。通過與我們的客戶和他們的應用程序密切合作,我們為那些“現成的”產品及不甚完美的應用程序提供最佳的解決方案。 In 2019, General Transmissions (GT), a leading European family-owned manufacturer of drive systems for outdoor power products, acquired Actuator. Both Actuator and GT have gained a reputation for providing customized products, tailored to particular market requirements within competitive pricing parameters 在2019年,一家領先的為戶外動力產品的驅動系統制造商的歐洲家族企業-捷耐傳動(GT),收購了愛優特。愛優特和GT已經聲名海外,在具有競爭力的價格參數內為特定市場的需求量身定做,提供定制的產品. Being part of GT Group, creates additional opportunities for Actuator in the Lawn Garden industry. It also strengthens Actuator’s offering and support to its existing customer base with the access to an international sales and manufacturing footprint. 成為GT集團的一部分后,使愛優特在草坪和花園行業獲得了更多的機會。同時為愛優特提供了更多的支持,其以現有的客戶基礎,進入國際銷售和更多制造基地。